Minggu, 16 Maret 2014





1.      Anita Yasmin                    28211751
2.      Faqzya Rizky N.               22211690
3.      Octa Indria                       25211423
4.      Prastika Arianti D.           25211558



            Infinitives adalah bentuk dasar dari verbs. Dalam bahasa inggris, penulisan infinitives biasanya diawali dengan “to”. Misalnya : to read, to walk, to give, dan seterusnya.

Beberapa verb (kata kerja) lazim yang dapat diikuti oleh “infinitives” adalah sebagai berikut:
“hope to, plan to, advise to, command to, compel to, encourage to, intend to, decide to, promise to, agree to, offer to, refuse to, seem to, appear to, pretend to, ask to, expect to, would like to, want to, need to, forbid to, force to, beg to, instruct to, invite to, order to, etc”.

Penggunaan dari Infinitives :
1.      Setelah be (is, am, are, was, were) untuk menyatakan keharusan.
Contoh : The students are to do the school assignment.
2.      Sebagai subject
Contoh : To study hard makes us clever. ETC


RUMUS : Subject + Verb + to infinitive
Contoh kalimat:
- I want to study English. (Saya ingin belajar bahasa inggris)

- He refused to go. (Ia menolak pergi)

- I hope to see you again. (Saya berharap bertemu kamu lagi)

- The driver was ordered to stop. (Pengemudi itu diperintahkan untuk berhenti)

- I expect to pass the test. (Saya berharap lolos tes)

-       We’re going out for dinner. Would you like to join us?
(Kita akan pergi keluar untuk makan malam. Maukah kamu bergabung dengan kita?)

-       Jenny offered to lend me a little money.
(Jenny menawarkan meminjamkan sedikit uang kepada saya)

-       Mrs. Allen promised to come tomorrow.
(Nyonya Allen berjanji untuk datang kemarin)

-       Lucy pretended to know the answer to my question.
(Lucy berpura-pura mengetahui jawaban dari pertanyaan saya)

-       Residents are not allowed to bring pets in my apartment.
(Penduduk tidak diijinkan untuk membawa binatang peliharaan di apartemen saya)


            Adjective adalah suatu kata sifat  yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun yang dapat berupa: person (orang), place (tempat), animal (binatang), maupun thing (benda).
Jenis – jenis adjective :
1.      Adjective position
2.      Adjective order
3.      Adjective degree
4.      Adjective clause

(kalimat) + Adjective + to infinitive
Contoh : English is easy to learn

RUMUS untuk Setelah Adj / kata sifat :
Adjective + To + Verb 1
Contoh :
1. Happy To Hear It
2. Proud To Win
3. Difficult To Do

Sumber :

The benefit of studying English for faculty of Economics

The benefit of studying English for faculty of Economics

Benefits of the English language is that it is easy to communicate with foreign people in a foreign company, because English is the international language then we should be able or clever in speaking English.

English is one of the world's largest language spoken as the language of communication both oral and written. In the era of globalization, English became stronger position because the language is used in all fields such as science and technology, communication, politics, economics, trade, banking, culture, art, and film.

To Indonesia, English is the first foreign language to be learned and mastered by the students. English, who previously taught first grade started junior high, now began to be introduced in elementary school (SD) since 4th grade, and even some established schools started giving English lessons to the students since they were seated in first class. The problem in the field is that there is a gap between the expectations of the people of Indonesia are increasingly powerful in mastering English is good and the availability of human resources (HR), among others, able to think strategically, able to perform planning, problem solving, and real action that created a kind of bridge to an immediate improvement and quality improvement of teaching English in Indonesia. And other benefits are:

1. Obtain educational path easier.

In life we ​​must often hear about scholarships abroad. It is quite interesting and promising due to the scholarship we can take free education and be familiar with foreign cultures. How are you interested in? Well, for those who are really interested in the overseas scholarships. The first step that must be done is to have the ability to speak English correctly and fluently. Because we know to obtain the scholarship main requirement is to have the support of English language proficiency. So, it is certain that those who have good English language skills have a greater chance than ordinary ability. Because we know that today all companies or agencies relating to the condition of the employee or qualified enough work in the field of English.

2. Easy to obtain and accept a job opportunity.

We'll often see a variety of jobs both in the newspapers or in the media. There we can see the requirements that must be met is one of the applicants must have the English language skills both passive and active smoothly. Means clear in qualifying showed that English language skills are mandatory and must-have for those who want to work to better levels. For those who are beginners and not fluent in it, one way is to learn the English language interpreter services. There we can learn in detail and can directly learn English properly.

3. Adding relations and connections

For an entrepreneur or businessperson who move and always in touch with the outside world, they desperately need the ability to speak English because inevitably we have to adjust to our relationship. From our English skills were well then we will add relationships and connections with various businesses around the world. If we are still difficulties in the English language, we can use the services translate english to accompany us when meeting clients.